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February 22, 2016 1 min read

You notice it the second you pull (not turn) the old Penelope’s doors, there is something different about Chopwood Mercantile. The feeling, the layout, the look, and especially the owners. In Chopwood it’s not about selling you the most expensive gear, it’s about something different.

Chopwood is taking Travis and Lisa’s decades of mountain retail experience and merging it with the concept of a “public house” along with a little bit of old-school friendly mercantile. It’s not about you buying a two hundred dollar jacket. Head on in, strike up a conversation and share your passion for getting out there and enjoying the ride.

It began by looking outside retail for inspiration, including the craft brewing movement, farm-to-table, food trucks, and other retailers who are focused on the deeper connection of social gatherings rather than in-and-out buying and selling.

(Travis & Lisa testing farm-to-table...)(Travis & Lisa testing farm-to-table...)

The goal is to take the fear out of buying the perfect gear by making a store that is more of a worthwhile experience. Part of the mission is to introduce the Gunnison Valley and our visitors to better and emerging designs, brands, and products that combine form and function for adventure.
So yes, Chopwood sells gear. But more meaningful than that, they are in it to make connections, make you feel at home, and help you enjoy the experience of the outdoors. Chopwood Mercantile is rethinking retail and wants you to, too.